All Issue
May 2008
- Vol. 12 No. 1
- A Study of Measuring the Surface Contamination for Patient’s Clothes and Bedclothes after Ablation Therapy
- Usefulness in Evaluation of NM Image which It Follows in Onco. Flash Processing Application
- On decrease program of Radioactive Wastewater and Sewages in High Dose Radioiodine Therapy Ward
- Influence on PET Exam Caused by Density Differences of Barium-sulfate Contrast Media
- Study a Technique for Reducing the Influence of Scattered Rays from Surrounding Organs to the Heart during Gated Cardiac Blood Pool scan
- Usefulness of 99mTc-labeled RBC Scan and SPECT in the Diagnosis of Head and Neck Hemangiomas
- Usefulness of Prone Position on PET-CT in Breast Cancer
- An Elimination of False-Positive I-131 Sites in Esophagus for Thyroid Carcinoma; Using Water with Vitamin C Dissolved
- A Study of Diabetic Control for Diabetic Patient in 18F-FDG PET
- The Effect of in vitro Hemolysis on Vitamin B12 / Folic Acid Results
- Change of the Result Value by the Amount of Samples in CA 19-9
- The Importance of Filter Integrity Test to Ensure Sterility of Radiophamaceuticals for Using PET Image
- Unstable Data of HBe Antigen during Seroconversion from HBe Antigen to Antibody in Chronic Type B Hepatitis
- Setting of Adiponectin Reference Range and Clinical Significance of investigation
- A Study on the Effective Controlling System of Radio-activity Ventilation
- 방사면역측정키트 성능평가 고찰
- 갑상선암의 고용량 방사성옥소 치료교육
- Radioactive Waste Management Procedure of Thyroid Cancer Patients in Isolation room
- 동위원소 치료병실의 I-131 배출에 대한 小考
- 방사성옥소 치료를 위한 표준 지침서 개발과 치료병실 환경 개선 연구
- 방사성옥소 치료를 받는 갑상선암 환자의 만족도 개선 연구